The work environment of elected officials

At a time when citizen participation is drawing considerable attention, it seemed appropriate to take a closer look at the day-to-day activities of an elected official. Three elected officials of the Regional Council of Nord-Pas de Calais, all members of the regional executive branch, in addition to assuming other mandates at the local level, agreed to lend a hand.

During one week per month from mid-October to mid-December 2009, a residency team became immersed in the lives of these officials and their staff to observe, understand, question, co-design and test new methods and work tools.

Four concepts were explored: creating a format for staff meetings, preparing a regional mandate “kit” to accompany the newly elected official when he/she takes office, organizing a “project follow-up technique” to improve interchanges on projects between elected officials and their collaborators, and setting up “La Transfo”, an innovation lab, in the Regional authority itself.

Learn more about the project: download the French deliverable

And discover it in photos


October 2009 - December 2009


Conseil Régional Nord-Pas de Calais, Lille

Initiated by whom?

Nord-Pas de Calais Region

With whom?

Yoan Ollivier, designer, cofounder of Plausible Possible

Grégoire Alix-Tabeling, designer, cofounder of Plausible Possible

Adèle Seyrig, designer

Sitraka Rakotoniaina, interaction designer

Lucie Bargel, university lecturer in political sciences

Hélène Veiga Gomès, anthropologist and video maker