This residency, located in Wazemmes, a historical and popular district of Lille, is the first residency of la 27e Région in partnership with a municipality, the City of Lille, rather than a region. It was based on strong local associations (Réso Asso Métro and the association ArtZémois), with the ambition to think about and propose projects on the theme of public space and citizen participation.
Three projects strands emerged from this residency and have been tested: “public spaces to share,” or how to allow people temporary access to a public space in Wazemmes to conduct the collective action of their choice; “street media” or how to enable the neighbourhood to talk to the neighbourhood; “Wazemmes walks,” or how to invent new ways to discover the area and its inhabitants.
Finally, the residency is at the origin of the development of “la Veilleuse“, a network for neighbours to help each other locally.
Learn more about the project: download the French deliverable
And discover it in photos