Les Eclaireurs (previously called La Pointeuse) is a collaborative foresight tool developed by La 27e Région to imagine the public service offer of tomorrow. By pointing a finger where a problem lies, Les Eclaireurs helps identify the tools, methods and processes that public authorities could employ in the future.
For each topic of Les Eclaireurs, we produce together with Les Beaux Yeux a video popularizing the basic principles on which French public policy is founded. The subject of our first episode : evaluating public policy.
To prepare for shooting the film, we met with a researcher in management science working on this subject, Frédérique Pallez, of the Centre de Gestion Scientifique (Center for Scientific Management). Of course we also sunk our teeth into various books and articles and developed the scenario on the basis of this material.
The film was shot in one day in January 2015 and is available here (in French with English subtitles)